Backyard observers can leverage the power of SkyTools to make every observing session a successful one. SkyTools makes what is difficult about the hobby easier: know which objects are worth looking at in your telescope. Observe them when they are at their best without having to know the details of airmass, zenith distance, or astronomical seeing. Find them without tedious star hopping. 


There is nothing else that comes close to the Nightly Planner, both in terms of raw power and ease of use. It distills the most sophisticated astronomical calculations into a remarkably simple interface that anyone (even absolute beginners) can use. It doesn't just organize your observations, it helps you pick targets that are suitable for your location, telescope, and conditions, and ensures that you will get the best possible view. The developer of SkyTools is a highly-experienced observer who has done all of the calculations for you, so all you need to do to is take out the telescope. Have you spotted the pillars of creation, or the jet in M87 yet? 

The Event Finder heralds upcoming meteor showers, eclipses, transits, appulses, Jupiter satellite events, GRS transits, and informs you when a faint planetary satellite is far enough away from the planet to spot.

Subscriptions to current comets, novae/supernovae, and interesting minor planets, automatically keep you updated with the best and most current data available. No other software provides vetted comet data that includes the latest magnitudes and coma diameters. No other software puts this information to work to accurately predict whether you can see a comet in your telescope and with observing conditions. Imagine being able to see a supernova on any given night, or spot a fast-moving asteroid as it passes the earth. Effortlessly. 


The SkyTools finder charts are customized for your telescope/binoculars. Each view shows only the stars that you will see in the eyepiece. These charts replace traditional star hopping, and are simple and fast to use, whether on a laptop/tablet or on paper.

If you add the the Real Time Observing package, you can control a telescope from an observing list, by typing in any designation, or from the atlas. The pop-up Eyepiece Viewer shows what is in the eyepiece, and you can even drag it from target to target. It can even take you on a SkyTour. 


Whether you record you observations in the field or the next day, SkyTools has ways to make it quick and simple, without having to enter the same information over and over. Everything SkyTools knows about your telescope or binoculars, eyepieces, and location, are embedded into the log record. 

If years from now you open a record of observing Jupiter's Great Red Spot, one click will open a chart that will simulate what you saw on that night in the eyepiece, including accurately placing the GRS.  

SkyTools can grow as you do. Upgrade your product directly from within the software: add Real Time Observing if you want to use SkyTools in the field or to control a telescope. Upgrade to the Pro Edition when you get that big dob or decide to go to the Texas Star Party. Even add the Imaging bundle if you buy a camera or decide to start experimenting with